“Cody and Lisa took our dream and made it a reality and we are truly grateful…”

A few years ago we were approached by an amazing couple who really wanted to build their own Passive House using a pole barn as the starting structure. Since we work with all types of construction we were up for the challenge of air tighting and detailing a pole barn. Armed with the goal of heating the house with the sun and living off-grid, ideas began to flow out as to how to make this dream a reality for them.

Mark and Chris were also their own General Contractor. Yes you can still build your own home in this day an age!

During our consultation meetings with them, we were able to point them in the right direction in several ways – showing them successful techniques to implement, new materials and either providing products or showing them where to find the products that they needed. In the end we were ASTOUNDED at the finished house! As you can see in the video they put together (above), not only is it abundant with fresh clean air, airtight and powered by the sun, but it is another beautiful Passive House built with all the core 7 steps. Just to give you an idea of just how they felt about the finished building, here’s what they sent us after finishing the construction:

“As an owner/builder of a passive house project I cannot imagine having gotten through this without the assistance of Cody and Lisa.  They listened to our dreams and budget, were patient with our many questions, introduced us to techniques, products, and professionals we would not have known about and in general made our project a reality.  They truly were partners in the building of our home and shared in our joy when we achieved air tightness via blower door of .34 ACH50! 

We decided to build this home with NO backup heat system and our first true test of the house came just after our final inspection.  The next day we left for a two week trip.  During that time the weather in Colorado was unseasonably cold and cloudy.  When we got back to our house we found it to be 60 degrees, only having dropped 10 degrees in 2 weeks!  Since then I’ve been living in the house full time and have found it to be incredibly comfortable with internal temps ranging from 66-74 degrees F.  Cody and Lisa took our dream and made it a reality and we are truly grateful.”

Chris & Mark C, Passive House Owner Builders

If you’re interested in more ways to be kind to the environment and save money, you can check out how we can apply passive house principles to your home, church, office, apartment, library, maintenance building, or upload your plan sets so that you can reduce your energy bills to nearly nothing per month! We provide passive house services for: passive house Colorado, passive house Wyoming, and passive house Nebraska. In addition, breathe clean and easy with Airtight and Ventilation solutions at mainstreamcorporation.com we ship all over the place! We exist for the sole purpose of helping the world build healthier wealthier and wiser!