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Chemicals inside their homes, commercial foods, and sedentary lifestyles have made them sick….  Their bodies require a higher level of indoor air quality, food quality, consciousness, spiritual quality and purpose. To compound this, Builders generally do not yet see the value in air-tight and properly ventilated buildings. This is because it’s unchartered territory, and an added charge for a value not yet perceived necessary.

Owner-Driven Projects vs Builder-Driven Projects; who Drives Healthy Homes?  A Tiny Home Solution.

tiny home kit

Recently at the Colorado Tiny House Festival, a FU$ION Force Member Isabelle Nagel-Brice with, presented on building Performance Tiny Homes. She gave a thorough report of how she built her own healthy tiny home, which is cutting edge within the tiny house movement.

Surrounding Isabelle’s booth and bordering what seemed to be several football fields were 25 Tiny Houses. All of the Tinys on display were garnered with a line of some 30 people waiting for a tour. Half of the Tinys on display were built by owners and the other half produced by larger builders.

Isabelle’s mission was simply to educate the newcomers to the Tiny House Community at-large about how she creates Healthy Tiny Houses that will outlast and outperform the others; especially in harsh and humid environments.

Isabelle Nagel BriceIsabelle leverages her Fu$ion team membership by offering a Healthy Tiny Home Kit as an option to anyone building tiny homes. Since she runs her own company the solutions she can offer her clients is highly custom. A win-win for her tiny house clients-whom all seek to express their own individuality.  In her Video she discusses some of the biggest health threats to people living tiny. The healthy green building consulting she offers teaches owners and builders what materials to use to prolong the life of their tiny house, create a healthy non-toxic indoor environment, and not waste any energy doing it. A secret she ‘learned from MainStream Corporation.’

What was remarkably present at the event was the discussion of who drives these healthy performance projects. The people like Isabelle who build their own? Or the builders who have created jobs and fueled the movement with profits?

Many people who choose a DIY build do so because they desire to express themselves; they do it because some existing buildings have Made-Them-Sick (Sick Building Syndrome). Also, they do it because it saves them money AND most importantly they can put whatever materials they want to use in it.  This is pinnacle, because many have developed intolerance to ‘average’ indoor environments. Chemicals inside their homes, commercial foods, and sedentary lifestyles have made them sick….  Their bodies require a higher level of indoor air quality, food quality, consciousness, spiritual quality and purpose.tiny home insulation

The builders are faced with a much different paradigm. A classic one based on profit at the top. That profit allows builders to create jobs, buzz, money, events, and momentum.  It also creates Tiny Houses by the masses - fresh off the shelf and ripe with drying out smells (often toxins). For people who want to buy their Tiny House from reputable builders, we offer a Healthy Tiny Home Kit that can be implemented by any builder to upgrade their Tiny House design to a Healthy Tiny Home

Healthy Tiny Home Kits contain all the ingredients to extend the life of the wall and roof systems through Air Tightness and Advanced Materials that allow moisture in materials to dry out like your blue jeans when you spill a few drops of coffee on them in the morning.  The walls remain impenetrable to water and moisture however.  We then add Heat Recovery Ventilation, which provides filtered fresh air while removing cooking moisture, bathroom smells and shower humidity.  The ventilators replace the bathroom fans and help prevent interior depressurizing. 

In general the builders do not yet see the value in air tight and properly ventilated buildings. This is because it’s unchartered territory , and an added charge for a value not yet perceived necessary. It’s not their faults that the market hasn’t been large enough to demand Healthy Tiny Homes, but we challenge them to think ahead and confront the status quo.  Do Chemicals Got You Down?

 If you’re interested in more ways to be kind to the environment and save money, you can check out how we can apply passive house principles to your home, church, office, apartment, library, maintenance building, or upload your plan sets so that you can reduce your energy bills to nearly nothing per month! We provide passive house services for: passive house Colorado, passive house Wyoming, and passive house Nebraska. In addition, breathe clean and easy with Airtight and Ventilation solutions at we ship all over the place! We exist for the sole purpose of helping the world build healthier wealthier and wiser!